Lyapunov Based Self-Tuning Control of Wind Energy Conversion System
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Nonlinear characteristics of wind turbines and electric generators necessitate complicated and nonlinear control of grid connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). This paper proposes a Lyapunov based self-tuning Proportional-Integral- Derivative (PID) control approach for WECS control. This self-tuning PID control is founded on the combination of two controllers, i.e. a self-tuning PID controller, which drives the tracking error to zero with user specified dynamics, and a supervisory controller, based on crude bounds of the system’s nonlinearities. The supervisory controller guarantees the stability of closed-loop nonlinear PID control system. The form of the supervisory control and the adaptation law are derived from a Lyapunov based stability analysis. The results are applied to a typical WECS, presenting the ability of the proposed method
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