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A Study of Non-Isolated DC–DC Converters for Photovoltaic Systems

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As the output power of photovoltaic (PV) system and the switching mode of the converters have a non-linear characteristic, it is important to operate the system at its maximum power point (MPP). The main part of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is the DC-DC tracker converter since it can influence the system performance, and extract the maximum power from the system by matching the photovoltaic (PV) module impedance with the load. It forces the module to operate near to its maximum power point under different sunlight radiation and the temperature conditions.The simplest DC-DC buck or boost converters have been analysed by various researchers, without any guide as how best to use them or which is the most appropriate converter for PV applications. In this survey, four basic non-isolated DC-DC converters are presented and compared under different atmospheric conditions in order to determine the best DC-DC converter for the PV system. Perturb and Observe Methods (P&O) were applied to the MPPT in order to evaluate the study; this algorithm has been widely used in PV systems as a result of its easy implementation and its low cost. The mathematical model of the PV system components was taken into account as well as their specifications; theoretical studies of four basic non-isolated converters (buck, boost, buck-boost, and Cúk) and their performance were evaluated by using the Matlab tool Simulink under various levels of solar radiation and temperature.
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


DC–DC Converter; Photovoltaic Systems (PV); Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT); Perturb and Observe (P&O) Method; Modeling

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