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Factor Analysis of the Influence of River Crossing Ferry Use – A Case in Banjarmasin and Kuala Kurun

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The objective of this research is to obtain factors influencing the use of river crossing ferry in Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan) and Kuala Kurun (Central Kalimantan). The variables reviewed include socio-demographic characteristics, trip, and ferry service. Data analysis has been done by Partial Least Square approach. The analysis results obtained 13 factors that influence the use of river crossing ferry. Judging from the socio-demographic characteristics of trip makers, the influencing factors are the condition of private vehicles, the travel habits, and the residence of the perpetrators of the trip. Furthermore, from the characteristics of the trip, the factors that influence the connection are the location of the destination trip with the crossing, the travel time, the ease of getting to the crossing, and the traffic conditions on the road. The factors that influence the characteristics of transportation services are the crossing time, the operating time and the schedule, the ease of boarding and alighting, the cleanliness and the comfort, the safety and the security, and the ease of paying the ticket.
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River Crossing Ferry; Influence Factor; Partial Least Square

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