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Fly Ashes for Concrete Blocks

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The main objective of this project is to evaluate the behavior of an industrial waste called fly ash in its interaction with an aggregate and an alkaline solution to generate a reaction called geo-polymerization, which can lead to new material. This new material seeks to be a proposal for the recovery of one of the largest industrial wastes in large cities and an option to minimize the use of Portland concrete, which, due to the high energy expenditure and CO2 emissions during its development, is one of the main causes of the high carbon footprint produced by the construction activity. Therefore, experimental research and quantitative type are developed, in which characterization of the different materials has been made (fly ash, cement, sand, and alkaline substance). Then the design of mixtures and time of failure has been determined. These prototypes have been made 10×15×30 cm. The blocks made with the different mixtures acquired strength before 28 days of age, greater than 5.0 MPa, being the minimum required by the NTC-4076 standard. Finally, geo-polymerized blocks have been obtained based on the Colombian Technical Standards, which meet the mechanical characteristics suitable for use as non-structural masonry.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Concrete Block; Cement; Cement; Fly Ash; Geo-Polymers; Alkaline Substance

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