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Accident Potential vs. Accident Involvement: the Role of Risky Behaviors in Identifying High-Risk Drivers

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Traffic accidents continue to impose heavy tolls on societies around the world. The majority of traffic accidents may be attributed partly or solely to driving behaviors. It is essential that drivers with higher accident risk are identified accurately in order to devise programs that enhance their driving behavior. This study adopts an approach that could lead to identifying drivers with greater accident potential more effectively. Classifying unsafe drivers in this study is achieved through driving behaviors associated with accident occurrence rather than previous accident involvement. This approach overcomes some of the inherent traits accompanying traffic accidents. Accident potential has been investigated through a risk measure generated from various self-reported driving behaviors and violations histories. Utilizing the risk measure, driver’s age, gender, annual driving distance, seatbelt use, and vehicle type have been found to influence significantly accident potential. Assessing accident potential from previous accident involvement has yielded considerably different results.
Copyright © 2022 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Accident Involvement; Accident Potential; Driver Characteristics; Driving Behavior; Self-Report

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