Influence of Lime Treatment on the Mechanical Behaviour of a Compressed Earth Block
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This work is part of a program for the development of a Compressed Earth Block (CEB) from a material that is readily available, and in large quantities, in the region of Beni-Saf, a town in northwestern Algeria. In this paper, an experimental study has been carried out on the influence of lime treatment on the mechanical behaviour of a compressed earth block. The first step has consisted of carrying out a complete identification process to check the eligibility criteria of the material for earth construction. The next step has intended to examine the influence of 4% and 6% lime treatment on the compaction characteristics (optimum moisture content and maximum dry density). Besides, the drying process of the material, which is characterized by variations in the moisture content and suction values, has been examined. Finally, the influence of these variations on the unconfined compressive strength and elastic modulus has been studied as well.
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