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A Comparison Between Composting and Biodrying for Household and Similar Waste: Proposal for an Appropriate Treatment

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The purpose of this study is to compare the treatment of household and similar waste by the composting and biodrying, in order to select the suitable one. A detailed composition study of the nature of four moroccan cities waste has been carried out, in order to identify the possible options of their treatment, leading to only two processes: composting and biodrying. Although biodrying is similar to composting in term of aerobic degradation, the main difference is in the final product obtained and its utilization. Composting produces compost that can be both a nutrient source and a conditioner in agricultural applications. However, biodrying reduces the moisture content of waste in order to increase its calorific value, which will allow waste to be recovered energetically. Considering the current trends in the treatment of waste by considering its energy recovery, under the concept of sustainable development as well as the failure known in composting plants designed in Morocco, biodrying has been selected.
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Biodrying; Composting; Household and Similar Waste; Treatment

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