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Estimated Construction Cost Model Based on Building Functions in Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the factors that could influence the estimated costs of a building based on the function of the building itself. The building functions reviewed in this study are business function, socio-cultural function, and residential function. The independent variables consist of building area, building height, floors number, and project implementation time. On the other hand, the dependent variable is the total costs of the project. The data used as samples are as many as 155 and have been taken by using a probability sampling. Subsequently, the analysis of this study is performed by using a multiple linear regression method. The result shows that there is a difference in the estimated costs in each function, either business function, socio-cultural function, or residential function. When referring to the number of business function costs estimation, there is a difference by 32.01% for residential function and 21.9% for socio-cultural function. This means that both costs estimation for residential function and socio-cultural function are smaller than business function. This paper proposes a novel concept in the context of building cost estimation in Indonesia as currently the estimation merely depends on the size of the building without considering its various function. That way, the proposed view in this study will potentially change the way building cost is estimated in Indonesia.
Copyright © 2019 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Function; Building; Cost; Multiple Linear Regression Method

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