Identification of Faulty Antenna in Large FM Antenna System Using Quadcopter Measurements
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The rise in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) utilization in science, research, and measurement procedures offers an advancement in various diagnostics methods and an improvement in measurement accuracy and versatility. This also applies to large Antenna Systems (AS), in FM and DVB-T frequency bands, parameter measurements, as well as to their diagnostics. The article presents the electromagnetic field intensity measurements performed by an autonomous quadcopter at a sufficient distance from the AS along with a brief description of the measurement procedure. The measured data are used for faulty antenna identification in a large AS. The article follows upon previous study regarding a large AS diagnostics and shows a comparison between the data calculated by a computation software and the data measured with the use of a quadcopter and specialized measurement device. Based on the results of the comparison, the individual faulty antenna is identified. The quadcopter measurement can be performed during continuous operation of the transmitter (AS is radiating).
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