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Design and Study of the Performance of Patch Antenna with Double C Slot for MIMO-OFDM Based Communications Systems for Media Technology

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Mobile phones, server stacks, and other high-bitrate devices demand greater bandwidth from antennas. More bandwidth means higher bitrates and more data sent. MIMO antennas simultaneously deliver and receive data. MIMO antennas can broadcast data to unreachable places with little noise. Multiple data streams and multipath propagation boost performance and data quality. Many antennas allow MIMO systems to send and receive data at regular intervals. These antennas can perform beamforming and determine a signal's 3-D route. OFDM increases bitrates at the same frequency by multiplexing without guard bands. Multiple orthogonal carrier frequencies increase data in the same bandwidth and avoid carrier distortion. Air gaps, parasitic patches, and substrate modifications are methods to increase bandwidth and beam width for patch antennas. The conventional patch pattern has been modified and refined for maximum success. This article proposes a patch antenna with double C slots. This new design features a large bandwidth, wide beamwidth, and multidirectional transmission pattern. The gain, VSWR, and reflection coefficient of this patch antenna meets the MIMO-OFDM systems with 5G standard. Hence the proposed antenna design is recommended to employ in the MIMO-OFDM system for 5G applications.
Copyright © 2022 The Authors - Published by Praise Worthy Prize under the CC BY-NC-ND license.


MIMO; OFDM; VSWR; C-Slot; Patch Antenna

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