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Performance Evaluation of the Objective Functions for Digital Media in Internet of Things (IoT)

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Internet of Thing (IoT) technology allows physical objects to connect to the Internet and it is based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) that represent an essential component for IoT. Moreover, the high rate of using the internet has enabled the spread of digital media such that the world is populated by digital media products, which are included in several industries such as healthcare and education. Moreover, it has emerged that IoT technologies enable the objects from exchanging digital data and communicating in an efficient way by using a routing protocol. Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is one of the most growing routing protocols in IoT. Specifically, it is a routing protocol for WSNs with low-power and lossy networks(LNNs), proposed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard for routing packets in WSN to support IPv6 communication. Furthermore, RPL uses objective functions(OFs) to optimize the path from source to destination. Mainly, it has two objective functions that are: Objective Function Zero (OF0) and Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function (MRHOF). In this paper, the evaluation and the analysis of RPL's objective functions are presented in terms of both Power Consumption (PC) and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) in medium network sizes specifically when N=25, N=40, and N=50  using a set of network parameters, including Packet Reception Ratio (RX) and Transmission range (TX) under random and grid network topologies. The experimental results show that the two objective functions perform the same in term of PDR when RX=100% but in some cases MRHOF outperforms OF0 and gives a 1-5% higher PDR than OF0. However, on average OF0 consumes less power than MRHOF.
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IoT; Media technology; Digital media; RPL; Wireless Sensor Network; Objective functions; OF0; MRHOF

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