Design of a Dual Band On and Off-Body Antenna for Medical Applications
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Design of a dual-band Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) for on-body and off-body communications implementable in medical applications is presented in this paper. Both free-space and on-body performance parameters of this antenna are shown and examined through the simulation process using CST software. This planer inverted F antenna works at ISM band (2.45 GHz, on-body) and HiperLAN band (5.2 GHz, off-body) simultaneously. This proposed PIFA radiates at the ISM frequency band, dual-band is achieved due to the double F slits and radiates at the HiperLAN frequency band as well. Performance parameters such as return loss, bandwidth, radiation pattern, and efficiency on free space of this antenna are examined first. Then the on-body performance parameters of this dual-band PIFA have also been tested on some close proximities such as 4mm, 8mm, and 16mm distance from a modified 3-layers human body model. Comparison and analysis between free space results and on-body results are also shown in this paper. As the proposed antenna reveals significant on-body performances at both ISM and HiperLAN bands, it can be said that this antenna will be suitable to be used in different medical applications.
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