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Design of a Curved Microstripline Antenna Array Varians and its Fabrication in Satellite Communication System

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This research aims to design a Curved Microstripline Antenna Array using an optimal characteristics parameter. The empirical formula and numeric analysis were optimally applied to the satellite communication system in relation to the antenna's characteristics. The analysis result showed that a 2×2 array curved microstripline antenna parameter obtained, comprises of 0.59 VSWR, 0.28 Reflection Coefficient, and -11.06 dB Return Loss. Also, a 2×4 array, consists of 1.19 VSWR, 0.09 Reflection Coefficient, and -20.92 dB Return Loss, while in a 4×4 array, the Antenna Parameter consists of 1.14 VSWR, 0.07 Reflection Coefficient and -23.58 dB Return Loss. These three simulations and measurement are compared to design a Curved Microstripline Antenna Array with more optimal characteristics parameters that are fabricated and applied to obtain a better satellite communication system.
Copyright © 2020 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Curved Microstripline; Array; Satellite

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