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Analysis of the T-Shaped Slot Coupling Integrated SIW Filter and Antenna with Tunable Capabilities

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In this paper, a reconfigurable integrated SIW filter and antenna using varactor diodes, for wireless applications, is proposed. This method is based on reverse voltage for the tuning of the filter and attenuation level of the antenna by integrating reconfigurable SIW filter and reconfigurable antenna through a multilayer technique. The analysis of an equivalent circuit based on filter and antenna, and its representative circuit to an SIW filter and antenna were first investigated. Then, the integration of the reconfigurable SIW filter, with a reconfigurable antenna using a T-slot as the coupling was detailed. A good performance between the simulated and measured results for the different fabricated design was achieved.
Copyright © 2018 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Reconfigurable SIW Filter; Reconfigurable Antenna; Varactor Diode; Attenuation; T-Shaped Slot

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