Mobile Phone Security Based New Strong Genetic Stream Cipher Design
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Mobile phones are considered to be the most common communication devices in history. Recently, mobile phones are not only used for communication but also to send and receive important data such as social security numbers, bank account details and passwords. Mobile phone communication uses the encryption algorithms collectively called as A5 family which corresponds to symmetric-key Stream ciphers that generate pseudo-random binary sequences used to encrypt the message signals on bit-by-bit basis. Unfortunately all these algorithms that ensure the security of mobile communications are cryptanalyzed and suffer from several attacks. In this paper, a new genetic pseudo random bit generator (PRBG) based on genetic algorithm is proposed to make mobile phone encryption algorithm A5 robust and resistive to the attacks such as time memory trade off, divide and conquer. A basic security analysis shows that the proposed algorithm is more resistant for cryptanalysis with a good quality of bits stream produced by our generator called genetic A5.
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