Multilevel Modulation Formats and Polarization Multiplexing for 100Gbps Transmission with Direct Detection for Low-Cost Transmission

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This paper investigates multilevel amplitude shift keying (M-ASK), M-ASK combined with differential phase shift keying (M-ASK-Bipolar), Quaternary Amplitude Shift Keying (QASK) and Quaternary Polarization-ASK (QPol-ASK) at a total bit rate of 107 Gbps. The aim is to find a cost-effective very high speed transport solution. Numerical investigation was performed using Monte Carlo simulations. The obtained results indicate that the proposed modulation formats can be operated at 100Gbps in optical communication systems with low implementation effort and high spectral efficiency.
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Optical Communication; Multilevel Amplitude Shift Keying (M-ASK); Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK); Quaternary Amplitude Shift Keying (QASK); Quaternary Polarization-ASK (Qpol-ASK)

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