A Case Study Concerning Physicochemical Characteristics and Purification Outputs of Oil Refinery Wastewater Treatment Station (Samir, Sidi Kacem, Morocco)

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For the purpose of the physicochemical characterization of  oil effluents of S.A.M.I.R oil Refinery, Sidi Kacem, Morocco and to exanimate the performance of its treatment station by the estimation of the purification outputs of its wastewater, we have evaluated for two years (2007-2008) on a monthly basis eleven physicochemical parameters upstream and downstream to this wastewater treatment station (wwts);with the exception of salinity, chloride and conductivity degree, the wide ranged statistical analysis (ACP) shows that purification operation is well carried for the rest of physicochemical variables, this avoid the contribution of such effluents to a dramatically water pollution if directly rejected in the receiving environment. The important finding of this study is that the main physicochemical characteristics of the treated water are proved compatible with the Moroccan oil refining industry standards
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Oil Refining; Effluents; Physicochemical; Purification; Morocco

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