A Transmission Line Modeling for IR-UWB Radars in Human Body Sensing and Detection
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/irease.v7i4.4468
For the applications of IR-UWB in human body’s sensing and detection, researchers and industries concentrate on the circuit design of the UWB transceiver and antenna. Very few work focuses on the significant part, the human body’s physical dimension through which the UWB signal propagate. This paper presents an approach to model the multi-tissue layer from the skin to the heart of a human body in a wideband of spectrum. The tissues act as a two-wire transmission line carrying a high frequency signal. Some of critical transmission line parameters such as characteristic impedance, propagation constant as well as its resistance, inductance, conductance, and capacitance per unit length are derived based on the transmission line theory and the human body featured from a cellular view. The distributed circuit of this transmission line model is implemented and simulated in a CAD tool. Simulation results provide the reflection and transmission factors at the boundary between two neighbor tissues (for example, between the lung and the heart) along with S-parameter analysis and attenuation in the tissues. The “body channel” model is very useful in the design of IR-UWB human sensing devices.
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