A Digital Control System for the Power Conditioning Unit of Spacecraft
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/irease.v12i1.15573
The paper considers the design concept and estimated characteristics of automatic control systems for the power conditioning unit of spacecraft with a digital control system. The purpose of the present work is to develop a structure of an automatic control system providing the following: power improvement for the power conditioning unit due to the parallel connection of power conditioning modules; high structural reliability of the power conditioning unit designed for two or more failures due to the channel redundancy for the digital control module and a special design for the majority logic element; the organization of the required operating sequence of power sources and their efficient use; high speed and accuracy of regulation of voltage output approaching the analog control systems. The expected results of channel redundancy for the digital control module have been confirmed using the experimental prototype. The authors' results include the generation of the superordinate control level without raising requirements to the reliability indices of the majority logic element; this control level has been generated using the hierarchical digital control system with a redundant control system.
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