A Microsatellite Reaction Wheel Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller for the Attitude Control System
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15866/irease.v7i5.4973
Current interest in small satellites lies in the feasibility of achieving specific but limited objectives, by necessity, small satellites technology requires simple control schemes. In this paper, we present a fuzzy logic controller, as an attempt to replace the classical proportional derivative (PD) controller that is widely used in the spacecraft attitude determination control system (ADCS). The fuzzy logic controller is implemented on the Z axis (yaw) closed loop reaction wheel of a low earth orbit microsatellite with a gravity gradient stabilization. The yaw axis is pointed toward earth. We mention here that, when the spacecraft is not in the imaging mode, it starts spinning along the yaw axis to keep it within thermal limits. So that, in this axis the spacecraft is either in the imaging mode (freeze mode) or barbeque mode (BBQ mode).
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