Measurement Platform for Developing the Paragliders' Motion Simulation and Control
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The design of remotely controlled and unmanned aerial system (UAS) is an important direction in modern aeronautics. Paragliders and powered paragliders, as UAS may use successfully in applications where stable, low speed flying and mobility are required.
This paper introduces a UAS test platform developing for testing the different paragliders that is planned to apply to different purposes: (i) sensor investigation and calibration, (ii) measuring the aerodynamic characteristics, (iii) developing and testing the UAS subsystems, (iv) investigation and parameter and state identification of the paraglider motion equation for developing the paraglider motion simulation and controls. The developing unmanned measurement platform is equipped by (i) sensors for air data collection, positioning, local force components/tress, etc., (ii) control sub-systems containing power and control forces' actuators and control unit as well as (iii) the info-communication system. The most challenging solutions as electronic system, a robust, fail safe remote control system, basic intelligent distributed control system with control forces' actuatorsare described.
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