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Gate Cycle Evaluation for Trans Femoral Amputation

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This research includes the study of the gait cycle for transfemoral amputation, which includes the kinetics and kinematics of the knee during different types of gaits, three different types of prosthetic knees are evaluated. The new model is designed to transform the hydraulic model into a smart, computerized limb with a microprocessor control unit that provides a high rotational speed to facilitate the process of turning and walking for lower limb amputees. The artificial knee mechanism was equipped with a Maxon EC motor, a socket, and a foot to form an integrated lower limb. This paper evaluates the proposed knee joint through a study of the gait cycle of the proposed joint and compares the results with those of other commercial joints to determine the closeness of the gait cycle results.
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Prosthetic Knee Joint; Gate Cycle Evaluation; Transfemoral Amputation

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