Mathematical Description of Pump-Injector Work with Hydraulic Plunger Drive and Ring Control Valve
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The study relevance and expediency are due to the limited performance of pump injectors with a hydraulic plunger drive in terms of the volume of cycle feed due to the control valve system problematic design. The research aims to develop a pump-injector model with a hydraulic plunger drive that can improve the pump-injector functional properties by significantly increasing the speed of the control valve and improving its design. In the improved pump-injector model, a valve in the form of an elastic split ring is mounted in the valve assembly instead of a freely floating control valve (ball) or a movable poppet with springs. The leading approach to the problem was to assess the influence of the control valve parameters on the control of the pump-injector operation in the modes of mechanical and electronic functioning. The pump-injector improved using the proposed method allows achieving a technically new effect, significantly reducing the control valve response time. Thi effect is achieved since moving along the seat, the edge of the annular valve ensures the opening and closing of the drain channel faster than the ring travel by a factor of π. The ring valve acts as a spring to return to its original position, simplifying the design as much as possible and reducing the harmful discharge volume. During the research, a new mathematical expression establishing the dependence of the valve stroke on the design parameters was derived. The optimal parameters of the control ring valve of the pump-injector determining the quality of fuel injection were established: diameter - 20 mm, width - 12 mm, thickness - 0.46 mm, the diameter of the control fluid supply channel - 3 mm.
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