Advanced Interactive Tools for Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Robust Control Systems

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This paper contributes for the further advancement of the analysis and design of robust nonlinear control systems. A nonlinear on-off element with hysteresis is considered as a nonlinear section of the plant discussed in this research. An innovative robust controller design is accomplished by a number of successive steps. Based on the difference equations of its stages, the robust controller is realized by two microcontrollers. Taking into account the Euler's approximation, the method of the D-partitioning and the describing-function stability analysis, as well as robust assessment are applied before and after the robust compensation. The research is a further development of the author’s work on the analysis and design of linear and digital robust control systems. The suggested innovative tool for analysis and design of nonlinear robust control systems by applying a digital robust controller is vital and useful for the further advancement of control theory in this field
Copyright © 2013 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Nonlinear; D-Partitioning Stability Analysis; Interaction; Describing Function Stability Analysis; Discrete-Time Domain; Microcontrollers

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