Accommodating Uncertainties in Transmission System Augmentation Based on a Hybrid Scenario Approach – Iran Power Grid Application

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Transmission network expansion is an important part of power system planning. Uncertainties in the procedures of planning are rapidly increasing within new restructured power systems. As a result, new methodologies of Transmission Expansion Planning should be developed. In this paper a Hybrid Method along with four other algorithms, namely, Union method, Substitution Method, Generalized Backward Method, and Genetic Algorithm Method are proposed. It is demonstrated that the plans developed under these schemes are robust for all scenarios in spite of the uncertainties observed in all cases. Moreover, the solution is economical and applicable to large scale systems. The proposed methods have been successfully tested for three typical power systems, namely, a 6-bus and an 87-bus test system as well as the Iranian Power Grid, as a practical and large scale transmission
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Uncertainties; Transmission Augmentation; Genetic Algorithm; Scenario Approach

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