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Development of Planned Behavior Theory in Increasing Awareness of the Marine Environment in Students

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The sea has an important role for human life and other living things. Therefore, maintaining the health of the marine environment is mandatory. This can be achieved if all human beings, especially students as future national leaders and decision makers have marine environmental awareness. However, until now, not much research related to this matter has been done; even marine environmental awareness data on students on a large scale has not been found by researchers. This research has been conducted in Surabaya, and data have been collected through a questionnaire distributed through Google Forms to 399 students. Therefore, this quantitative research has aimed to analyze the factors that affect marine environmental awareness in students. Data analysis used Smart Partial Least Square (SmartPLS) to determine the relationship between the effects of predictor variables. The results have showed that knowledge, attitude, responsibility, subjective norms, and perceived behavior affect the intention to maintain health and awareness of the marine environment. Furthermore, the effect of these variables has been quite strong on marine environmental awareness.
Copyright © 2023 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Awareness; Marine; Attitude; Perceived Behavior; Subjective Norm; Intention

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