Gamelan Composer: a Rule-Based Interactive Melody Generator for Gamelan Music
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A rule-based method and a note-by-note generation technique have been proposed to develop a model of an interactive melody generator. The task of the model has been to assist user creating a melody in form of a note sequence. A set of notes candidate has been generated by the system as a recommendation for user to arrange a note sequence. The rules to set the recommendation have been constructed by identifying melodic features using a sequential mining algorithm called Apriori based on Functions in a Sequence (AFiS) algorithm. The experiment has been conducted by developing Gamelan Composer, an interactive melody generator system for gamelan music, a traditional music from Java, Indonesia. Two sets of rules have been defined based on notes prunes technique, which have been a 2-itemset prune and a tier prune, and then they have been implemented into two different systems. The evaluation has been conducted using expert test to judge note sequences generated by users in the experimental groups. The results show that the proposed model can assist users creating a note sequence that has the characteristics of a gamelan melody, and the tier prune rules have generated a note sequence that has the characteristics of gamelan melody, which has been better than the 2-itemset prune rules.
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