Vol 15, No 2 (2021)

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Table of Contents


Experimental-Theoretical Analysis of a Transient Heat Conduction Setup via Infrared Thermography and Unified Integral Transforms PDF
Diego C. Knupp, Carolina P. Naveira Cotta, João Vítor C. Ayres, Helcio R. B. Orlande, Renato M. Cotta 33-44

Kinetic Parameter Estimation of Calcium Phosphate Coating Using Particle Swarm Optimization PDF
C. X. Resende, R. L. Pagano, V. M. A. Calado, I. N. Bastos, E. C. Biscaia, G. A. Soares 45-50

Using Artificial Neural Networks to Generate Virtual Acoustic Reality Applied on Escape Training in Blind Conditions PDF
José F. L. Naranjo, Roberto A. Tenenbaum, Julio C. B. Torres 51-56

Study of the Influence of Casing and Liquid Inside Oil Wells on the Response of Neutron Logging Tools PDF
Edmilson M. Souza, Samanda C. A. Correa, Ademir X. Silva, Inaya C. B. Lima, Paula L. F. Rocha, Ricardo T. Lopes 57-61

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