Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability of Urban Buildings in Morocco

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This study has the aim of assessing the seismic vulnerability of constructions in urban areas in Morocco. For this purpose, we use statistics of a survey on the buildings stock in Morocco that was implemented in the year 2000 by the Housing Observatory of the Real Estate Promotion Direction of the State Secretariat of Housing (HOREPD, enquête-2000). These statistics helped define the different types of housing, and their structures. This information, along with past-earthquakes observed damages allowed us to rank the different buildings into vulnerability classes. For the different types of constructions, we find four vulnerability classes, from class A to D. We then use a semi-empirical method for the computation of the buildings vulnerability index and fragility curves for the different vulnerability classes. We use these fragility curves to simulate the consequences of a seismic intensity IX on the different vulnerability classes. It turns out that the consequences would be catastrophic for class A and would have very little effect on class D buildings.
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Seismic Vulnerability Assessment; Urban Area; Morocco; LM-1 Method; Vulnerability Index; Fragility Curves

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