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3D-FDTD Computation of Lightning Return Stroke Current and Associated Electromagnetic Field Using Electromagnetic Models

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This paper presents a new approach for the calculation of the lightning channel current distribution and the associated electromagnetic field components in the close vicinity of a vertical lightning return stroke channel. This approach is based on the use of lightning return stroke electromagnetic models combined to the 3D-FDTD method. The novelty of this approach is the use of Taflove formulation in order to calculate both the electric and magnetic fields and their densities obtaining then the lightning channel return stroke current space-time distribution. The employed electromagnetic models include a vertical resistive wire having an additional series distributed inductance and a wire surrounded by a dielectric medium (other than the air) that occupies the half space above the ground. The obtained results are compared to others taken by the specialized literature notably measured data. It appears that the used approach yield reasonably accurate results of close electromagnetic fields and lightning return stroke current spatiotemporal distribution.
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Lightning; Electromagnetic Models; LEMP; 3D-FDTD Method; UPML Boundary Conditions; Taflove Formulation

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