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Efficient Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Mission-Critical Management

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In the Global scenario, a variety of wireless access networks are available. Heterogeneous Wireless Networks is an integration of two different networks (Cellular and WLAN).  When connections need to migrate between heterogeneous networks, vertical handoff is required to provide the best performance and better QoS. With reference to the performance of VHO, there is an acute need to develop algorithm for Mission Critical Management and thus improving network performance. During disaster management operations, there is a possibility of a failure in network connectivity of the corresponding MN. So there is an inefficient system, where lot of casualties are to be reported while there is loss of communication. Due to the above reason, the MN initiates the handoff triggering to the neighboring network. In this work, a VHO decision algorithm is proposed based on the markov model. The proposed M-OPTG algorithm is selecting a network based on the load, battery life time of the MN and call dropping rate. The  M-OPTG enables a wireless access network to balance the overall load among all attachment points, which improves battery life time of MN, reduces call drop probability, reducing the handoff delay and thus improving  the system throughput. This algorithm gives better result when compared to traditional RSS method and OPTG.
Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Vertical Handoff; Hetrogeneous Networks; Load Balancing; Media Independent Handover; Quality of Service (QoS); Mobile Nodes

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